A blog on the Theoretical Foundations of Data Management

Submitted by Leopoldo Bertossi on Mon, 08/01/2022 - 19:22

                        REASONING WEB SCHOOL 2022
                        Co-located with "DECLARATIVE AI"
                        (Berlin, Germany, September 26-30, 2022)


September 27th (CET Time)

    09:00 - 12:00:  "Cross-Modal Knowledge Discovery, Inference, and Challenges"
                     Meng Wang (South East University, China) and Ningyu Zhang

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Submitted by Pablo Barcelo on Tue, 05/03/2022 - 23:35

Monday June 13th

8:00 - 10:30: Session 1, PODS Opening, Keynote Talk, and Streaming (Session chairs: Leonid Libkin and Pablo Barceló)

(1.1) 8:00 - 8:10. Opening.
(1.2) 8:10 - 9:30. Plenary keynote talk. Frank Neven. Robustness against read committed: a free transactional lunch.
(1.3) 9:30 - 9:50. Miklos Ajtai, Vladimir Braverman, T.S. Jayram, Sandeep Silwal, Alec Sun, David P. Woodruff and…

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Submitted by Pablo Barcelo on Sun, 03/13/2022 - 02:54

The 41st ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, PODS, will take place in Philadelphia, USA, from June 13th to June 15th, 2022. For more information visit https://2022.sigmod.org/



  • Frank Neven (Hasselt University): Robustness against read committed: a free transactional lunch. 
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Submitted by Antoine Amarilli on Fri, 03/04/2022 - 15:53

The informal Highlights conference on logic, games, and automata will happen from June 28th to July 1st, 2022, in Paris, France. The conference will be hosted by Université de Paris, and happen on the site of Grands Moulins.

Highlights aims at integrating the community working in the fields of logic, games, and automata. Papers from these areas are dispersed across many conferences, which makes them difficult to follow. A visit to the Highlights conference…

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Submitted by Maximilian Schleich on Sun, 02/13/2022 - 16:58

The Principles of Database Systems (PODS) symposium series, held in conjunction
with the SIGMOD conference series, provides a premier annual forum for the
communication of new advances in the theoretical foundations of data management,
traditional or nontraditional (see https://databasetheory.org/PODS).

PODS Mission

The PODS community aims to provide a solid scientific basis for methods…

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Submitted by Filip Murlak on Wed, 01/19/2022 - 12:15

The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw (MIM UW) invites applications for the positions of Assistant Professor (“adiunkt” in Polish) and Associate Professor (“profesor uczelni”) in Computer Science, starting on 1st October 2022.

MIM UW is one of the leading computer science faculties in Europe. It is known for talented…

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Submitted by Dan Olteanu on Mon, 12/27/2021 - 22:44

International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT) 2022 will take place from 29th March to 1st April, 2022 in virtual Edinburgh, UK. It will feature an excellent scientific programme, including keynotes and invited talks jointly with EDBT 2022, and research papers.

Invited talks

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Submitted by Jonni Virtema on Mon, 12/20/2021 - 17:42

* PostDoc position in Computer Science Logic
* University of Sheffield, UK
* Salary: £32,344 to £40,927 per annum (Grade 7)
* Deadline: 3rd January 2022
* Starting date: ASAP / negotiable
* Duration: Until 31.10.2023 (very likely extension to a total of 26 months)
* Details: …

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Submitted by Floris Geerts on Sat, 12/11/2021 - 14:01

26th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2023)

ICDT is an international conference series on the principles and theory of data management. Since 2009, it is annually and jointly held with EDBT, the International Conference on Extending Database Technology. See also https://databasetheory.org/icdt-pages

The 26th edition of ICDT…

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Submitted by Antoine Amarilli on Sun, 12/05/2021 - 21:09

As of December 1st, the new journal TheoretiCS is now open for submissions! The goal of TheoretiCS is to be a venue for the highest-quality papers in all areas of theoretical computer science, including database theory.

The journal is open-access: the articles are hosted on arXiv and are free to read, the reviewing process is hosted on the Episciences platform,…

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