[Newsletter PoDM ] Principles of Data Management, Newsletter 50, November 2024

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Principles of Data Management, Newsletter 50, November 2024
The newsletter on Principles of Data Management from databasetheory.org


Job Announcement: University of Zurich
ICDT 2025 TEST-OF-TIME AWARD: Call for Nominations

* PhD student and postdoctoral researcher
* Data Systems and Theory group
* University of Zurich
* annual contract, extensible for up to 4 years
* Link: https://www.ifi.uzh.ch/en/dast/jobs.html
* The openings are in the research group of Dan Olteanu. The expectation is to contribute to one of the on-going projects of the group, or a new project, and involves helping Dan with the teaching of a BSc course on Foundations of Computing (https://www.ifi.uzh.ch/en/dast/teaching/FOC2.html) in English. The positions can start as early as January 1, 2025 and no later than September 2025.
* Contact:
  Dan Olteanu (olteanu at ifi.uzh.ch)

Call for Nominations
March 25-28, 2025, Barcelona, Spain

We solicit nominations for the ICDT 2025 Test-of-Time Award for the ICDT 2015 paper that has had the most impact in terms of research, methodology, conceptual contribution, or transfer to practice. The ICDT Test-of-Time award for 2025 will be presented during the EDBT/ICDT 2025 Joint Conference due to be held on March 25-28, 2025 in Barcelona, Spain.

The ICDT 2025 Test-of-Time Award Committee consists of Xiao Hu (University of Waterloo), Graham Cormode (University of Warwick), and Marcelo Arenas (chair, PUC & IMFD Chile, RelationalAI).

All papers are nominated by default, but the committee welcomes input from our community. Please feel free to nominate a paper if you think it has had great impact, even if you have not thoroughly compared it to the other eligible papers. The usual conflict of interest rules apply. Nominations are confidential and will only be shared among the committee members. Please email your nominations to

     marcelo.arenas at relational.ai

with the subject line “ICDT Test-of-Time Award Suggestion”, together with a brief justification.

Please send your nominations no later than December 1, 2024.

The next issue of this newsletter is scheduled for early January 2025. Please submit your announcements to newsletter-owner at databasetheory.org until December 31, 2024. Please follow the formatting instructions at databasetheory.org/newsletter.

Past issues of the newsletter can be found at databasetheory.org/newsletter.

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