[Newsletter PoDM ] Principles of Data Management, Newsletter 44, December 2023
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Principles of Data Management, Newsletter 44, December 2023
The newsletter on Principles of Data Management from databasetheory.org
PODS 2024: Call for Papers
PODS 2024 TEST-OF-TIME AWARD: Call for Nominations
FoIKS 2024: Call for Papers
* In the recent Simons program on Logic and Algorithms in
Database Theory and AI we have been successfully using
Zulip to connect and communicate with each other, and
we think this could be valuable beyond the duration of
the Simons program. We now invite every recipient of this
mailing list to join the platform:
using the link
We hope that this Zulip may become a useful community
building tool for database theory enthusiasts.
* Messages in Zulip are organized in streams (corresponding
to channels, shown in the left sidebar), and then they are
further subdivided by topics (corresponding to threads,
shown underneath each stream): each topic is just a
sequence of messages.
* At the moment, we have the following streams, which are all
publicly viewable even without an account:
- Paper announcement stream: to announce new papers which you
submitted to arxiv or to a conference, so that we can stay
informed about each other's work without waiting for the next
conference. This can be just the arxiv link and/or abstract,
but you can could also describe the contents of the paper in
any other way.
Please don't be shy and tell us about your latest papers!
- Talk announcement stream: to announce database theory talks
organized at your institute which can be followed online by
the community. The channel can also be used to link to recordings
of talks, or to advertise seminar mailing lists to open them to
the broader database theory community.
- CFPs stream: to announce anything that is relevant to PODS/ICDT
or any other conference of interest. Think about calls for papers
and/or participation, calls for award nominations, etc.
- Research stream: To ask anything research-related, e.g., questions
about specific papers, reference pointers, etc. Ask yourself, or
teach your students to ask questions themselves!
We note that Zulip supports LaTeX!
- Social stream (only for people with accounts): to announce anything
"social", e.g., to ask whether anyone is interested in sharing
accommodation during a conference trip, to ask for ideas of what
to visit, etc.
* We hope that this platform can be a valuable tool for our community to
connect and learn about each other's work.
We thank Zulip for granting us free usage of their platform.
Mahmoud Abo Khamis, Antoine Amarilli, Floris Geerts, Stijn Vansummeren and Remy Wang.
* The Principles of Database Systems (PODS) symposium series, held in conjunction with the SIGMOD conference series, provides a premier annual forum for the communication of new advances in the theoretical foundations of data management, traditional or nontraditional (see https://databasetheory.org/PODS).
* LOCATION: The 2024 conference will be held in Santiago, Chile.
* FORMATTING: Page limit is 8 pages, not including references. Space for references is not limited. Additional details may be included in an appendix. Line numbering is encouraged to facilitate the reviewers' job.
PODS 2024 will use a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. This means that submissions must adhere to the following:
- Author names and institutions must be omitted.
- References to the authors’ own related work should be in the third person.
- Acknowledgements, grant numbers, and links to submitted papers in public repositories will not be allowed.
However, authors should feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally would. For instance, authors may post drafts of their papers on the web or give talks on their research ideas.
* SCOPE: PODS seeks scientific articles that present principled contributions to modeling, application, system building, and both theoretical and experimental validation in the context of data management. Such articles might be based, among others, on establishing theoretical results, developing new concepts and frameworks that deserve further exploration, providing experimental work that sheds light on the scientific foundations of the discipline, or a rigorous analysis of both widely used and recently developed industry artifacts. At a time when computer science is increasingly data centric, it is essential to promote an active exchange of tools and techniques between PODS and other communities focused on data management. PODS thus pays special attention to those papers that help in the urgent process of integrating data management techniques within broader computer science.
* SUBMISSION: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pods2024
* IMPORTANT DATES for the first submission cycle are as follows:
** First cycle abstract deadline: June 6, 2023
** Full paper submission deadline: June 12, 2023
** Reviews sent to authors: August 18, 2023
** Rebuttal phase: August 21 - 25, 2023
** Notification: September 4, 2023
Call for Nominations
* We are soliciting nominations for the 2024 ACM PODS Alberto O.
Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award. Eligible papers are those published in
the proceedings of the 33rd Symposium on Principles of Database
Systems (PODS 2014): https://sigmod.org/pods/opentoc/pods2014.html
* Email your nomination by *December 20, 2023* to
grohe at informatik.rwth-aachen.de
* Please include a brief justification in your nomination, such as
the paper's impact in terms of research, methodology, or transfer
to practice over the intervening decade.
* The ACM PODS Alberto O. Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award Committee:
Jan van den Bussche, Ke Yi, Martin Grohe (chair)
FoIKS 2024
13th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems
Call for Papers
University of Sheffield, 8–11.04.2024
* The FoIKS symposia provide a biennial forum for presenting and discussing theoretical and applied research on information and knowledge systems. FoIKS IS a forum for intensive discussions. Speakers will be given sufficient time to present their ideas and results within the larger context of their research.
* Topics include, among others, database design, big data, dynamics of information, integrity and constraint management, intelligent agents, knowledge discovery, information retrieval, knowledge representation, logics in databases and AI, mathematical foundations, security in
information and knowledge systems, and the semantic web.
* The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science. After the symposium, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended journal versions of their papers for a FoIKS 2024 special issue in the journal Knowledge Engineering Review (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/knowledge-engineering-review).
* The page limit is 16 plus additional pages of references. For short papers, the maximum number of pages is 10 plus additional pages of references. Resubmission of high quality papers not accepted in major conferences (e.g., AAAI, ICDT, STACS) is welcome.
* Extended deadlines: abstract submission 11.12.2023 AoE, paper submission 14.12.2023 AoE
* Invited Speakers: Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford; Phokion Kolaitis, University of California Santa Cruz and IBM Research; Andrei Popescu, University of Sheffield; Uli Sattler, University of Manchester.
* Program Committee Chairs: Arne Meier, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany Magdalena Ortiz, TU Wien, Austria.
The next issue of this newsletter is scheduled for early February 2024. Please submit your announcements to newsletter-owner at databasetheory.org until January 31, 2024. Please follow the formatting instructions at databasetheory.org/newsletter.
Past issues of the newsletter can be found at databasetheory.org/newsletter.
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