As of December 1st, the new journal TheoretiCS is now open for submissions! The goal of TheoretiCS is to be a venue for the highest-quality papers in all areas of theoretical computer science, including database theory.
The journal is open-access: the articles are hosted on arXiv and are free to read, the reviewing process is hosted on the Episciences platform, publication is also free for authors, and the journal title belongs to a non-profit created for the occasion. In addition to this, the journal will also ensure a quick turnaround time of less than three months for a first opinion on submitted papers.
The journal has an impressive editorial board, featuring in particular Georg Gottlob and Mihalis Yannakakis as editors in databases. The journal also has an advisory board formed of representatives of the major TCS conferences, featuring Wim Martens to represent ICDT. The initiative is also endorsed by Noga Alon, Shafi Goldwasser, Donald E. Knuth, Robert E. Tarjan, Leslie Valiant, Moshe Y. Vardi, and Andrew C.-C. Yao.
I encourage you to support the initiative by submitting your best work in our new journal!